Urban cites are proliferating centers for everything, from a small fast food center to the biggest IT…
Its hard to be in a Wimbledon match without Pimm's. Pimm's is a brand of fruit cups, also considered as a liqueur. Whereas this year,…
It would be tragic if one of the largest flying birds on the planet, the great Indian bustard, goes extinct. Sadly, the day is not…
My early childhood days were spent in Agra and later in the crowded streets of Old Delhi. During the Ramleela days, I used to play…
Technology is progressing towards digitizing every prospect in the panoramic view of the world. As exciting and spectacular this tends to seem in the outlook,…
Despite increasing shortage and stress on water assets, India uses irrigation water lazily. It is worrying to footnote that only 50% enters the river and…