Sustainability is a prominent and rapidly expanding area that aims to merge social science, environmental science, and civil engineering to make the world more sustainable. More than ever, highly educated people are needed to research and implement more sustainable techniques. Here, we discuss what sustainability is and present a list of sustainability occupations. 

Defining Sustainability

To preserve an ecological equilibrium in the ecosystem, sustainability means avoiding natural resource depletion. A profession in sustainability can provide creative solutions to issues such as ecological balance and the planet’s long-term viability. In most cases, a bachelor’s degree in the field is required to enter the field of sustainability.

10 Careers In Sustainability That Will Make A Difference

If you are an environment enthusiast who wants to do something for their planet and earn a living with it, then creating a career in sustainability is the right choice for you. You can find various jobs and positions in the field of sustainability. Here are ten prominent sustainable or green career possibilities to explore:

  1. Geoscientists- This profession, which includes studying the earth’s composition, history, and natural resources, is required in some states. Geoscientists may collaborate with environmental scientists and work both inside and outside (in offices and labs) (in the field). This work frequently necessitates travel, which can take workers to both hot and cold areas. When it comes to energy resource usage and acquisition, an environmental geologist plays a critical role in advising gas and mining firms. Environmental geologists may use drones and other advanced technology to capture aerial images and reference drilling data to map diverse resources, such as oil and other energy resources.
  1. Environmental scientists research the most effective ways to protect the environment while also enhancing human health or making healthcare sector sustainable . Environmental scientists work in both the corporate and public sectors, researching health and environmental issues and uncover causes and provide remedies. An environmental scientist might look into strange illnesses, unexplained malformations in local species, or sickness in a community with no recognised cause. Environmental scientists investigate the causes of such disasters and look for strategies to prevent them.
  1. To solve environmental problems, environmental engineers integrate engineering principles with environmental understanding, such as soil composition and biological and ecological processes. Environmental engineers may be involved in projects or plans to enhance public health, waste disposal, recycling, and regulating or reducing pollution in the air and water. Environmental engineers are not commonplace to work inside corporate, public or government institutions and environmental groups.
  1. Typically, urban planners aid businesses and organisations in developing land-use plans. Communities, road systems, parks, and the overall form of a city can all be important considerations for urban planners. Additionally, urban planners create programmes or strategies to handle expanding populations while minimising environmental effects. Urban planning may necessitate new construction or restoration projects to upgrade buildings, transportation networks, and other infrastructure. In addition, urban planners may collaborate with a variety of organisations to ensure that a company’s project complies with zoning and construction laws, as well as environmental standards.
  1. Environmental lawyers help clients with air and water quality, hazardous waste, sustainability, and other challenges. These lawyers work for the government at various levels, as well as private law companies and nonprofits.
  1. Hydrologists investigate the availability and quality of water, gathering data and formulating plans to improve resources. They may work for government agencies or commercial firms, and they divide their time between the office and the field, which for a hydrologist could involve wading through lakes, rivers, and streams. They look into the impacts of all kinds of precipitation, including snow and rain, on groundwater levels and the movement of natural bodies of water like rivers. They also investigate how groundwater and surface water evaporate and return to the atmosphere, sometimes via the ocean. Their main purpose is to address the complicated issues around water access and quality. 
  1. Sustainability Coordinator jobs require a diverse set of skills and responsibilities. It is in high demand as one of the top occupations in environmental management and sustainability. This is a career for those who are self-motivated, self-starters and have leadership abilities. Program coordinators are the most common entry-level positions in this profession, and they can rise to director of sustainability. The compensation is modest because this is an entry-level position, but there is plenty of room for advancement. What is the role of a sustainability coordinator? So, what do they not do? From programme development through analysis, marketing, and training, as well as monitoring indicators, we’ve got you covered. This includes energy use, water consumption, and garbage generation. Sustainability coordinators may also suggest and promote new sustainability projects and manage social media in this capacity. A bachelor’s degree in environmental studies, sustainability studies, business, or political science is required to work as a sustainability coordinator.
  1. A chief sustainability officer is an excellent choice for a high-ranking executive role. Such leaders can choose to work for a range of organisations or enterprises in this career path. As you can see, this career path comes with a six-figure compensation. Their key goals and tasks are to assist businesses in becoming more environmentally friendly and sustainable. They create programmes that align with these goals, but they also supervise their implementation among volunteers and company personnel. They’re also in charge of the program’s evaluation and thoughts on its effectiveness. They keep adapting programming in response to evaluation results, ensuring that it is efficient and effective.
  1. Before employing various design ideas, landscape architects study an area’s natural geology and terrain to blend man-made structures into the natural environment. Landscape architects work in both urban and rural settings, developing wildlife habitats and distinctive locations and constructing long-term infrastructural systems. Design, creative problem-solving, and technical skills and expertise are all used by landscape architects. Combining architectural solutions that safeguard and support the natural environment can assist building and construction enterprises.
  1. Energy engineers- This job is in high demand, and those who have chosen this career path appear to be content. According to studies, seventy percent of energy engineers are satisfied with their professions, and sixty percent believe their work is relevant. Energy engineers are in charge of developing, designing, sometimes implementing, and assessing energy efficiency programmes. Their work is typically used during the planning, designing, renovating, and construction stages. There are numerous specialisation options in this sector. Some people may opt to work in HVAC systems, ventilation, lighting, green building, air quality, or energy procurement. They are also frequently the ones who offer energy-saving and efficient solutions. Energy audits, evaluation, and determining the expenses connected with conservation are other responsibilities they have. They also track and analyse energy consumption using a variety of measures, many of which they devised themselves.


Sustainability occupations are available in a variety of industries and offer promise for the environment’s future. Furthermore, as the world’s population grows and businesses and organisations seek new ways to expand, create, and utilise fuel resources in environmentally sustainable ways, the demand for sustainability professionals will grow.