A triangle with a number from 1 to 7 within the recycling symbol on plastic items will also tell you what kind of plastic the object is made of and how recyclable it is.

These and other such symbols, known initially as the Resin Identification Code (RIC), were created in 1988 by the Plastics Industry Association. The ASTM International Resin Identification Coding System is the official name for the symbols currently administered by ASTM International. This organisation designs and sets standards for a wide variety of industries. Three triangle-shaped bent arrows were the first symbols used. In 2013, solid triangles were added.

The American Society for Testing and Materials is trying to strengthen the programme and to curb plastic pollution which has been chastised for not making it clear if a specific type of plastic is recyclable; the existence of a recycling symbol does not guarantee that a particular plastic would be accepted at your local recycling centre or by your recyclables and waste collector

How2Recycle labels explain whether and how different products, including plastics, can be recycled and are becoming more common in the United States. These labels will tell you how to prepare an item for recycling (if applicable), whether it is commonly recycled, recycled in a small number of locations, or recycled by dropping off at a particular area, such as a grocery store; the form of recyclable material; and the component or components that are recycled.Plastic recycling can be very beneficial.

In this blog, we will discuss all 7 of these symbols so that the next time you see one, you know one!

The Meaning of Recycle Symbols on Plastics

1. What does the ‘ 1 inside the triangle’ recycling symbol mean?

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE or PET)

A 1 within the triangle denotes that the material is polyethene terephthalate, also known as PET or PETE. This icon can be used on soft drinks and water bottles, salad dressing, peanut butter, olive oil packets, and mouthwash bottles. PET bottles may be used to make new containers, pallet straps, panelling, carpet and clothing fibres, and fiberfill for soft furnishings and sleeping bags.

While there is a market for recycled PET, according to the National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR) and the Association of Plastic Recyclers, the recycling rate in the United States was 29.2 per cent in 2017, the most recent year for which data is available (APR).

2. What does the ‘ 2 inside the triangle ‘ recycling symbol denote?

High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

High-density polyethene, or HDPE, is indicated by a two within the triangle. Milk jugs, shampoo bottles, butter and yoghurt tubs, motor oil bottles, shopping and garbage bags, cereal box bags, and household cleaner and detergent bottles are all made of HDPE. In addition to bottles and other containers, this plastic can be recycled into lumber, drainage pipes, pens, fencing, picnic tables, doghouses, benches, and floor tiles.

HDPE bottles were recycled at a rate of 31.1 per cent in 2017.

3. What does the ‘ 3 inside the triangle ‘ recycling symbol indicate?

Vinyl (V or PVC)

Vinyl or polyvinyl chloride is indicated by a three inside the triangle. Vinyl can be used in piping, siding, medical supplies, wire jacketing, transparent food packaging, and cooking oil, window cleaner, detergent, and shampoo bottles, among other things.

Vinyl is rarely recycled. Mats, speed bumps, wires, flooring, highway gutters, mud flaps, panelling, and decks are all constructed from recycled PVC.What does the ‘ 4 inside the triangle ‘ recycling symbol mean?

4. What does the ‘ 4 inside the triangle ‘ recycling symbol mean?

Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

Low-density polyethene, or LDPE, is shown by a four within the triangle. Shopping bags, squeezable cups, carpet, furniture, clothes, tote bags, dry cleaning bags, and frozen food or bread bags are examples of this type of plastic.

LDPE is a plastic that is seldom recycled. It can be turned into floor tile, lumber, panelling, shipping envelopes, compost bins, trash cans, and bubble wrap after it has been processed.

5. What does the ‘ 5 inside the triangle ‘ recycling symbol denote?

Polypropylene (PP)

Polypropylene, or PP, is indicated by a five inside the triangle. Medicine bottles, straws, bottle caps, ketchup and syrup bottles, and even yoghurt containers contain it. This plastic is commonly used in bottles and containers that must accept hot liquids because of its high melting point.

Only a small percentage of PP is recycled. Trays, pallets, bins, rakes, bicycle racks, landscape borders, ice scrapers, auto battery cases, brushes, brooms, battery cables, and signal lights can all be made from it until it’s ready.

6. What does the ‘ 6 inside the triangle ‘ recycling symbol mean?

Polystyrene (PS)

A 6 within the triangle denotes polystyrene (PS), which is often referred to incorrectly as Styrofoam, the name of a Dow-trademarked brand of polystyrene insulation. PS can be used in plastic cups and bowls, take-out containers, egg cartons, and meat trays, among other places.

It is commonly thought to be challenging to recycle, and some jurisdictions in the United States have forbidden it. PS can be recycled into packaging, containers, foam wrapping, light switch plates, and insulation, among other items.

7. What does the ‘ 7 inside the triangle ‘ recycling symbol indicate?

Miscellaneous Plastics

Any plastic that isn’t one of those six varieties contains a seven within the triangle. Nylon and polycarbonate are examples of these plastics, which can be used in food containers, signs and screens, computers and mobile devices, DVDs, sunglasses, and bulletproof fabrics.

Plastic lumber and some custom-made items could be made from these materials, which are rarely recycled.