Free Rice, a fun educational gaming app with a noble twist. For every right answer, the game donates 10 grains of rice through world food programme to end world hunger. 10 grains of rice is a minuscule amount, that gives you all more reasons to keep playing and keep learning and getting smarter and smarter every day.
Owned by World Food Programme, Free Rice is a great fun for people of all ages out there. It’s a great educational game especially for kids as well. There are sixty levels. There are varieties of subjects you can choose from- English vocabulary, maths questions, concepts of science, geography, art, history, foreign languages.
One out of the four options is correct and you need to figure out which one is it. For every correct answer, the next question is more difficult than the previous one. For every wrong answer, the next question that appears on the screen is easier than the previous one that you got wrong.

The banner ad on the free rice website generates enough money for World Food Programme to buy 10 grains of rice each time one visits the website to end world food hunger.
The grains keep adding when you play. The number of grains actually represents your score. The better you perform, the more food you would be donating to feed the hungry around the globe.
Free Rice is a simple and great way of highlighting one of the most important sustainable development goals of United Nations Development Programme- Zero Hunger. Many countries suffer from famine and hunger. Hundred of millions of people are undernourished in the world. One person out of four still goes hungry in Africa.
In a world where we produce enough food for everyone, one person in nine still goes to bed empty stomach. How carelessly we toss the remaining food down the dustbin! In the same world, people suffer from extreme hunger. Fueled by poverty, they develop diseases due to hunger.
That can be changed and that needs to be changed. There are so many little things you can do to help the people in need, directly or indirectly. Finish your meal, don’t overload your plate with food, share your meals, donate food and money to organisations that are providing food and meds to poverty-stricken regions. And for starters, you can start by playing this simple game here.