Think it’s time when we relieve some of the pressure on our scarce groundwater resources for producing fresh drinking water. Try trees for a change. Asarasi, a company that sells bottled pure drinking water harvested from maple trees, has been labeled as ‘organic’ by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
What’s Organic Water?
Organic is trendy these days. Food, drinks, clothes are labeled as organic because they are derived from living matter. But have you heard of organic water? We subconsciously assume that the water must be organic. What else could it be? Well, nopity nope! The product must be produced without any excluded methods like genetic engineering.
All the bottled water we know is generally produced through groundwater or other freshwater resources, none of them organic.
Asarasi, on the other hand, harvests water that is filtered by maple trees which are alive and thriving. So indeed it’s 100% organic!
The Asarasi Strategy
Adam Lazar, the founder of Asarasi, attended a maple sugaring event in Vermont and witnessed the pouring of thousands of gallons of water down the drain. Only 3% of maple saps collected through tapping the trees are utilized for making maple products, 97% is discarded which is pure tree water.

Every year, 500,000,000 Gallons of pure and naturally filtered water goes waste in maple farming. Asarasi (which is Latin for “Maple”) carbonates, stores and deliver the maple water, which is the purest form of water available. Check out the website here.
The company pays the farmers for selling the maple sap ‘waste’ maximizing the farmer’s profits. According to Lazar, pure water can be recovered from many different types of trees without harming the trees.
The company does not advertise the water as maple flavored water. The water is unflavoured but a sweet and fresh taste lingers in the aftertaste occurring from its source.
Asarasi water is gaining popularity with many restaurants and locals opting for organic water.
The water is already sparkling with various recognition and honors. Recently, it won a silver medal in the Edison Awards competition.
Here it is, a small start-up revolutionizing the way we produce the essential liquid on the planet with the help of living trees. It’s true, nature has a solution for every problem, you just have to look.
Photos- Pixabay, Asarasi