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Making the Most of the Old: A Recycling Perspective

Recycling your old clothes

Recycling your old clothes into something better for the contemporary instead of sending them to landfills or waste can help save the environment- quite effectively

All of us grow out of our clothes. Plus, the quality of the clothes that we buy is usually so good that they remain in near-mint condition. So, what do we do? Giving them off to needy is a good idea. But, is that idea always feasible? The reasons for this are multiple. Sometimes, we are too attached to the clothes to give them away. Sometimes, we do not find anyone who might need them because of the size and cloth type in question. And finally, sometimes the clothes aren’t in good enough condition to be given.

In such a situation, repurposing can be a huge saviour! So, in this blog let us look at 5 such good ideas which will make your old clothes ready- both for you as well as for a good giveaway!


Make a Quilt/Blanket

All those torn clothes can be stitched together to make a beautiful multi-coloured quilt. Even the cotton from worn off pillows can be used as a filling for them. If it is old ethnics, then one can make beautiful Jaipuri quilts out of them. In India, particularly, using old clothes to make quilts has been quite a rage since forever.

It isn’t uncommon to see old clothes being used as fillings as well. No harm either, given the fabric traps the heat inside and the weight gives a cosy feeling too! The same can be done at home. Check out this video for more

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Multipurpose Bag

Be it old t-shirts or even cotton jackets, both of them are good materials for making a bag. While pouches can be made from almost every piece of cloth, making bags is pretty easy when it comes to using t-shirts and jackets. Want to know how? Check out this video:


Throw Pillow

Love lounging at home and using muslin pillows for comfort. Your old clothes are good fillings and your ethnics are awesome covers. Do patchwork using handkerchiefs, use a single graffiti shirt as the cover or simply your buttoned shirt, you will love your pillow for sure! How to make a throw pillow though? Well, here is the video for you


New Clothes

Well, we have tank tops, aprons, skater dresses, knickers and whatnots to make from the old out of fashion clothing. And a lot of it is very easy to repurpose too! See how:


Ruffle-y Rugs

Heard of the DIY mermaid rugs? Or the beautiful dust trapping mats. Your old woollens can be a great raw material for them. Be it knitting, crocheting, sewing, hula hooping. Yes, that’s right hula hooping- there are multiple ways you can make beautiful rugs at home. A few DIYs are mentioned in the video below so check them out.


Hope you had a fun time reading and viewing! 

And before we end- make sure you send us the pictures of your DIY projects and we will be happy to feature them on our social media handles!!

(Roughly 9% of the overall waste generated annually is the waste from worn-out items of clothing. Imagine, how a simple recycle or repurpose of it can help! Just imagine!)


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