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Make Some Dietary Changes to Save the Planet

If you wish to save the planet from the climate crisis, you have to make some serious changes in your diet plan. A team of scientists and health and environment experts from various countries from all over the world conveyed in their latest report, that humans need to make dietary changes to thrive. The new diet could globally prevent up to 11.6 million premature deaths per year, according to its creators.

According to the food study published in The Lancet, meat and sugar need to fall by half by 2050 and the consumption of veggies, fruits, legumes to be doubled. This will reduce the global burden posed by the three billion people on Earth who are either over- or under-fed.

Based on a 2,500 calories a day diet, the targets consist of a daily combined intake of up to 60 per cent in carbohydrates, such as whole grains, 15 per cent in protein, such as meat, eggs and fish, with the remainder coming from fruit and vegetables, added fats and added sugars.

Daily poultry consumption would be confined to 29 grams – equivalent to one and a half nuggets – and fish to 28 grams, a quarter of a medium sized fillet. Eggs would be restricted to around 1.5 per week.

“Current diets are pushing the Earth beyond its planetary boundaries, while causing ill health. This puts both people and the planet at risk,” the team said.

Co-author Professor Tim Lang, from the University of London, said: “The food we eat and how we produce it determines the health of people and the planet, and we are currently getting this seriously wrong. We need a significant overhaul, changing the global food system on a scale not seen before in ways appropriate to each country’s circumstances.”

The lack of balance in the diets around the world is quite evident. Richer nations have a high meat consumption while poor the lack sufficient proteins and nutrients from the lack of food with more than 800 million people getting insufficient kilojoules.

Livestock farming is catastrophic for the environment, producing up to 18% of global greenhouse gases and contributing to deforestation and water shortages.

The authors of the report noted that the ideal diet would vary from region to region, stressing that their menu was designed to show how everyone could get around 10,460 kJ daily, keep healthy and aid the planet.

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