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Eco-Friendly Plastic Covers

Plastic bags have been a boon for humans as they are convenient to use. But they pose a threat to our environment. Plastics have become inevitable in modern lifestyle. They get disintegrated and this can easily enter our food chain when animals ingest them. Once in food chain biomagnification leads to higher toxicity in higher organisms.

Thanks to Envigreen Biotech India Private Ltd a company that produces 100% biodegradable substitute for plastic covers. Ashwath Hegde, the CEO started the company after 4 years of research. They manufacture eco-friendly covers that exactly mimic the texture and other properties of the plastic cover.
Envigreen covers are made from organic materials like starch, vegetable oil derivatives and waste. These covers have gone through hot water test, burning test, hot iron test, edible test and strength test. It has been tested and certified by regulatory agencies like Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, Central Institute of Plastic Engineering, TUV-SUD South Asia and Technology and Sriram Institute for Industrial Research. These covers take 180 days to degrade and are 100% organic, even the coloured prints on them are organic.

The best part of Envigreen covers is that they are not at all toxic, these covers can be ingested by animals without fear. The CEO dissolved Envigreen cover in a glass of hot water and drank it in order to prove that it is edible. This property of Envigreen covers would help in reducing the number of deaths caused by ingestion of plastics.

Envigreen covers are advantageous substitutes for conventional plastic covers but the only snag is the cost of these covers. Anyways, technology can be improved in the future to reduce the cost.
Envigreen products are an asset to the environment and the people who are willing to use plastic without guilt. This type of innovations helps people live a convenient lifestyle without harming the environment.

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