
Saving Food With Karma: App Selling Restaurant’s Leftovers at 50% off

How we all wish we could eat restaurant food every day without setting fire to our wallets! There’s a new app, called Karma that could bring your food fantasies to life. The app lets you buy leftover delicacies from top restaurants at half prices.


The Food Problem

The Swedish app came up with the brilliant idea in 2016 to tackle the growing problem of the massive amount of food being thrown away on a daily basis. Nearly one-third of all food produced globally goes to trash every day. That’s 1.3 billion tons per year and it’s also responsible for 8% greenhouse gas emission worldwide. People in first world countries and big cities might not think it a big deal dumping leftover food into bins but that’s not the case in most of the countries. Around 10 million people die every year due to chronic hunger and hunger-related diseases. The food problem is real.


How Karma is Fighting Food Waste

Restaurants and Cafes are high on food waste. At the end of the day, most outlets end up throwing the leftover food. Over 15 million outlets worldwide are used to this practice. But Karma is here to the rescue! It lets consumers buy high quality and fresh food at low prices as take away. Helping restaurants earn money and providing consumers with high-quality delicious food at the same time. Not only restaurants, Karma also allows users to buy groceries which are about to cross their expiration dates at the cheap prices.



Olio and FoodLoop are two amazing features of the app. Olio lets users list and sell food at home that they might throw away. FoodLoop sends push notifications for users whenever the local supermarkets allow reductions.


Karma is Growing

In Sweden, Karma has 250,000 active users and 1,000 partners including supermarkets and food stores. The fanbase of karma is growing. After Sweden, the company wish to capture the European and US market and then spread worldwide. Recently, Karma launched in London and has received a good response. The app has already managed to attract some of the biggest investors.


Karma is having a good run and for a good cause. Can’t wait till the app is here and all the yummy quality food at a low price is within our reach.

Image Credits – Karma, Pixabay

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