
Why eat Local?

Preferring local food means supporting farmers, environment, and the health of your loved ones and you.

With growing emphasis on food safety concerns in the food we eat, people are increasingly concerned about the quality and nature of the food they buy. Given the lack of visibility to consumers on the food preservatives, genetically modified crops and pesticides issues. It becomes increasingly important for you to choose foods which are locally grown. Preferring locally grown foods for your diet is very important for the environment, it helps farmers to get a better price and most importantly it is good for your health.

Here are a few strong reasons you might want to consider adding more local food to your diet.

The food that you purchase in the air-conditioned supermarket often has been in transit for days or weeks or traveled over 1000 miles, while produce from your local farmer’s market has often been harvested the same day and sold to you the same day. Local food helps in keeping the freshness and helps in maintaining nutritional value.

We hope that you will now prefer more of local foods.

Image Source: dnaindia, thinkstock

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