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Say a Big ‘No’ to GMO Foods or Genetically Modified Food

No to GMO Foods

GMO Foods: Eat healthy food and know what you’re buying in the glitzy supermarkets. In western countries including USA a host of Genetically Modified Food(GMO) are being produced which is approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) itself. So, next time when you happen to be in a super market do your homework correctly. Or else you will be landing in buying GMO vegetables or fruits.

Are GMO Food or Genetically Modified Food harmful?

The worst part is that most of these products are not labelled properly and the fact remains that, GMO products are harmful and there is less scientific evidence to claim they are safe.
Whatever may be the claim by the international companies promoting GMO foods? But, the reality is that GM crops are unhealthy, they contaminate forever, creates side effects and harms the environment.
Next time when you’re shopping please remember the following foods can be genetically engineered – Rice, Cotton, Honey, Soybean, Corn, Tomatoes, Sugar Cane, Dairy products, Meat, Papaya and many more.

6 Key reasons to take a pledge – ‘No to GMO Foods’

Following are the reasons to avoid GMO Foods-

Reason 1: GMOs are unhealthy – Proven in many investigations in food crops that GM has undesirable impacts and can transfer DNA.
Human studies as shown how genetically modified (GM) food can leave quantifiable items behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems. For example – Genes inserted into GM soy, can transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside us. A toxic insecticide produced by GM corn was found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses in the US are live examples.

Reason 2: GMOs infect forever – Economic loss for other organic and non-GMO crops in the vicinity.
GMOs cross pollinates and their seeds can travel long distance. It is impossible to fully clean up the polluted gene pool. Self-propagating GMO pollution will outlive the effects of global warming and nuclear waste. The possible impact is huge, intimidating the health of future groups. A GMO contamination will cause financial losses for organic and non-GMO farmers who often fight to keep their crops unadulterated.

Reason 3: Genetic engineering creates dangerous side effects-
By mixing genes from totally unrelated species, genetic engineering unleashes a host of unpredictable side effects. Moreover, regardless of the type of genes that are introduced, the very development of creating a GM plant can result in enormous collateral damage that produces new toxins, carcinogens, allergens, and nutritional deficiencies. The damage to human body due to GM includes damage to liver, kidneys, brains, adrenal glands and heart.

Reason 4: Independent research and reporting is censored and gridlocked –Scientists who determine problems with GMO Foods have been criticized, suppressed, dismissed, endangered, and deprived of funding. Efforts by media to uncover problems are also often expurgated by the international players.

Reason 5: GMOs harm the environment- GM crops and their related herbicides can damage soil organisms, amphibians, birds, farmer friendly insects, and marine ecosystems. They reduce biodiversity, pollute water resources, and are unsustainable. A possible disruption because of GMO can affect the biodiversity to large extent.

Reason 6: GM crops contribute largely to global warming- In general, agriculture is one sector which majorly contributes to global warming ( see images of warming planet). Further, a GM crop would double this impact. GM cultivation requires more use of Nitrogen fertilizers. This nitrogen applied in soil emits nitrous oxide. This gas is almost 300 times more powerful than CO2.
So make sure that you avoid GMO foods in your diet. Be concerned about your environment, your health and the future of farming. Take the right action. Avoid GMO.

Say a Big ‘No’ to GMO Foods !

Also read- Rising Adoption of Organic Pesticides

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